This week involved exploration of the destruction and life cycle of memory. The final project domain was developed: transient memory.
First the survey about negative memories was completed which yielded a few results. Next was an exploration of the destruction of memory. How can memories be removed from objects? By destroying the objects form? However, the link to the memory would remain. Even if an object is destroyed or missing it is still remembered.
A time lapse video was created to explore the ideas of ‘transient memory projection’, ‘transient memory creation and destruction’ and ‘IS and WAS’. Transient memory projection is a memory projected onto a object which doesn’t last long. ‘IS and WAS’ is the recognition of memories that remain long after the object itself has been removed. This video is available below
This lead to the concept of objects temporarily storing memories and transmitting them to other objects. This could be valuable in creating a sense of presence. Not only this but the fragility of the memories can create value. Where a memory is available to view at any time (i.e. a photograph on flickr) it may not be as treasured as one that is only available for a short space of time. Immediately connecting people to memories, rather than storing them for later review can create a sense of presence. The users will be aware that they are experiencing the memories as they are being created.
What? Why? Between whom? Context of use? Usefulness? Is there a need this is meeting? These were all considerations that were made. There were different ideas about what to transmit i.e. messages, inspirational media and presence signifiers (location) as well various contexts of use i.e. between parents and children or between couples were developed.
Multiple ideas were generated from this i.e. the photograph projector and the music box. The next step was the potential for multi-modal interaction and the potential for remote interfaces. The ideas for far centre around paired devices which transmit memories to each-other. There has been some consideration for how long these memories should last; time related or should they stay until replaced? Would probably depend on the input.
The next step is to decide on a user base, and understand what their needs would be for a device such as this. I will be taking a user centred approach for this project, and now that the concept has been developed it has to be tailored to a specific user group’s needs. I may also consider a marketable context of use for this project.
A project proposal has been developed, but it is missing a literature review and mock up screens and sketches. There is a tutorial session tomorrow so after this the final prototype will be defined and designed for. This week may also involve exploring a few user bases to identify specific needs.
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