Week beginning 05/03/2012
This week has been focused mainly on technology development and prototyping. The xBee radios were reconfigured for two way communication as previously there was only one-way communication. The error was researched and discovered to be a configuration problem with the destination address on one of the radios; it was addressed to itself and was sending serial information to itself rather than its partner radio.
Once this was fixed the first teddy bear prototype was built. A teddy bear was purchased and carefully opened up at the back to allow wiring to be placed inside. This first prototype was only implemented into one prototype instead of two due to the lack of supplies: new soldering tips and jump wires were required to extend the components to fit in the right places. However, the prototype was successful and illustrated two way communication of presence. The next step will be to communicate memories i.e. stories.
To do this i.e. incorporate sound, an mp3 player has been hacked. This was the preferred option to using a purpose built arduino sound board which would take up precious pins and was also far more expensive. The mp3 hack is at the functional stage: it works but needs to be incorporated into the arduino environment using a transistor.
‘Survey Research’ by Robert Sapsford, and ‘Qualitative Interview Interviewing’ by Tom Wengraf are being read alongside this development in preparation for user testing. User testing techniques from the User Interface Design course will be incorporated.
A website could be developed for the prototype as well as an accompanying storybook to do walkthroughs with the prototype with users.
Goals for next week: finish the prototype, start user testing, contact design companies and create a short advert for the prototype.
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