A short test questionnaire was designed to examine the types of responses, and to adapt the questionnaire in light of these. The questionnaire was designed to have no lead-in questions. It was tested on two test subjects.
It is entitled 'the burning building test' due to the context that the subjects are introduced to.
A. Which three objects/entities would you remove from a burning building?
B. Why?
C. How often are you in contact with these objects?
D. Which three people would you remove from a burning building? Why?
The first measurable response i got was that both people had more than three family members. The questionnaire was not designed to force people decide between their children or between siblings, so in the next questionnaire it will be made clear that you can group 'siblings' as one answer, or 'parents' or 'children'. However it will be requested that no other groups are put together like this i.e. 'friends' as what will happen is that everyone will say a combination of 'parents', children', 'siblings' or 'friends'. The test is mainly focused on objects as it would make sense that most people would select the same group of important people, but i am interested in seeing if some peoples answers are different.
The second thing i noticed was the tendency to 'group' items together i.e. putting the laptop and phone together. In the real questionnaire it will be asked of test subjects that they only select a single item.
Initial results: Test subject 1
A: University books & notes; Laptop/phone; Clothes & Makeup
B: Important for final year achievements, Important for final year achievements/Communication, 'Important as my appearance is important to me'
C: Every day (all same)
D: Parents, Siblings, Boyfriend
Initial results: Test subject2
A: Passport, Bank Paperwork, Handbag
B: Signifies freedom, Ability to effect freedom, day to day artefact's of life
C: few times a year, Always on hand, daily
D: Child, Child, Two children as one
Note: the test subject did not want or try to choose between children which is completely normal, and the test conditions were changed to allow for this.
NEXT STAGES: Incorporating memory theory research into the questionnaire
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