Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Week 5 write-up: Quantified Self, Moslow

1 Nov-group tutorial. Notes on discussion points/individual participation and research.

Natasha-Tested the shadowing IDEO card for her project focus on 'Subliminal Messaging'. Interested in concealment.
Kaf-produced an app using yahoo app builder
Bhavesh-used exflar to create an AR app

The concept of 'the quantified self'

http://quantifiedself.com/ A website for people interested in self-tracking. I signed up.

Essentially a concept centred around the collection of data through a filter, and how this can enrich our understanding of ourselves and others through this. Massively linked to the concept of memory and self-understand/identification. What can be learnt through tapping into memory streams that individuals themselves may be unaware of.

Robert Carlsen

Robert Carlsen - Riding Through Mountains of Data from Steven Dean on Vimeo.

Robert Carlsen initially created a piece  of software that allowed him to track data about bumps/disturbances in the road surface. He wanted to understand his own usage, as well as being able to share and track his own other peoples data. This was turned into a visual illustration that would show where the roughest part of NYC were.

This was then developed into software that was able to track how hard he was pedalling and for how long which allowed him to develop fitness plans.

He then created an iPhone app, called 'MobileLogger' which launched on the app store, which tracks your route. I downloaded the app, and it tracks direction, speed, and your exact location. The user chooses when to start and stop logging. A quick test of this application showed that the user it able to then export the file in .csv format or upload it to the server for community review. Carlesen analysed group data, and identified the potential to create communities around this.

This is a way in which personal and community memory is filtered and shared. What's special about it is that it's data that people aren't aware that they have.

Screenshots of MobileLogger

Homescreen, map visualisation & analysis

 The depth of information available is incredible. I did a functionality test on myself on the 9th of november, and started the app on my faily commute. It took information over 1:28 hours, and logged 467 individual data marker. A visualisation of this is below. It mapped this into an excel file which i could view on my computer. There is also the option to share this with the creator-i have attempted to do this but each time the update fails. 


More on the Quantified Self

Robin Barooah

'Robin Barooah gives an insightful talk below on embodied learning. He used a binary self-tracking system, without keeping any of the data, to train his body to know what foods made him feel energized or lethargic. This awareness helped him to lose 45 pounds over the course of several months, but more importantly, it serves as a model of the power of self-tracking to develop intuition and well-being. (Filmed at the inaugural Quantified Self Silicon Valley meetup hosted by Stanford’s Calming Technologies lab.)'

This is a great example of how  memory and the techniques to create a quantified self can be accessed via an intervention to solve a problem: weight loss. Robin Barooah collected data about himself after eating and asked himself the question 'am i energised or lethargic'. He did not explicitly analyse the data he collected on paper, but be sub-consciously trained his body and mind to select foods that were beneficial. Simply by asking himself a simple question.

As a spectator pointed out, he engaged in tracking but without quantification. Robin begun to associate the food with the effect of the food by making himself more aware of it. It is a similar 'recognition' effect to the one that i have noticed over the years: if i get a new phone, i start to notice it everywhere and it seems to be everywhere. By bringing something to the forefront of our memory do we instantly become more sensitive/aware of it??

Statistics on yourself-facebook/tweets-location, consumptions, activities.

Creating a sense of community-social bridge

People as interactive objects-we already are interactive objects. Augmenting ourselves-KAF- Embedded oyster card.

Mazlows' hierarchy of human needs-debate.

Is this a set of filters? creating filters for ideation.

Memory has an application within all of these, demonstrating the need to narrow my focus within memory soon.

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