The prototype needs to be finished, final questions and resources for the prototype need to be completed and early requirements and benefits need to be outlined in order for refinement through the focus group.
I am selecting my focus group members based on a representation of age categories (One from each major category under 18's, 18-25, 25-35, 35-50 and 50+) This should provide a good range of responses from a variety of different individuals who will naturally have different characteristics. Context of use and user base will be determined from this focus group, and refined through questionnaires linked to an advert and website.
Title: 'TeddyShare version 2.0'
User benefits: Through engagement with the device, memories will be created and an engaging user experience. Users will be able to convey presence through the use of an augmented 'prop' and let a remote user know that they are being missed.
Requirements: The system should allow the users to send an audio and visual message to a partnered device. It is a trigger based system which utilises audiovisual inputs and outputs; buttons, lights and sound. There will be the use of a device 'key' which ensures that only authorised users will be able to use the device. There will be 'handles' only-the user always has full control over the device. The system should be portable and have a long life.
Non-Functional Requirements. The system should have an instruction manual and be easily understood. Unauthorised users should not be able to use the device; it must be protected in some way to prevent fraud.
Context of use: The teddy bear is by nature an intimate device. It would most likely be used in a home situation, and even a 'home away from home' context.
Long Term Considerations: The wireless capabilities of this prototype are facilitated through xBee. This is for prototyping purposes, and it would have to eventually be connected to the internet as the xBee modules are short-range communication devices. Price was a concern in the prototyping decision, with wireless modules costing £250 per module (and i would have needed two).
Potential Users: Students, Business People (travelling), Parents with children living way from home
From the focus group, final scenarios, use cases and sample user profiles will be created.
Final Prototype Development.
New functionality incorporated: Sound
Message being sent: 'I miss you'.
Message duration: 2 seconds
Message storage: Mini SD card, pre-recorded.
Note: When the teddy bear is bought the user could upload a voice note to be pre-incorporated.
Issue: the size of the buttons was an issue, and they are so flimsy that they have now fallen apart. New 'oversized' buttons will be bought from maplins and incorporated.
Considerations: The size of the teddy bar was an issue that came up during the pilot test. The wiring didn't fit in properly and could be felt. In a larger teddy bear this would not be as much as an issue. Also anchoring is a problem, and with a larger teddy bear longer wires would be required. I also need a solder breadboard, which i am having trouble sourcing. This is so that wires do not 'fall out' which was a massive problem in the pilot test. I will contact my Arduino lecturer for help with sourcing this.
I am basing this new prototype on the old one, and incorporating development from weeks ago on the incorporation of sound. I do have to do some soldering onto the new mp3 player as the old one was damaged. On closer examination some speaker wiring had disconnected and this is what probably lead to it overheating.
I am redeveloping it though to be used with a transistor and basing it on this circuit mentioned earlier in this blog.
I am also taking guidance from
I am going to pull the xBee chip for safety purposes and developing it outside of the main code.
This didn't work as expected when tested with a motor, so i am going to go back to the relay circuit as developed earlier.
I re-wired and this is the loop code
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // set the LED OFF
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // set the LED ON
delay(2000); // wait for a second
I need it to turn on (2 Seconds) for longer than it is off (1 second) for the prototype, so i have tweaked the duration. I also need it to only turn on once unless reset, so i need to add some extra code.
Task 1 is complete, and has been tested using an LED.
i added an integer variable called 'globalset' and tweaked the code so it simply turned on for two seconds then off
if(globalset < 1) {
// delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(2, LOW); // set the LED ON
delay(2000); // wait for a
digitalWrite(2, HIGH); // set the LED OFF
What can happen is that when a button is pressed on the partner console, the global variable
I now need to add this code into the main code of this partner device. I have set the trigger 'globalset' to 1 in its natural state so that its naturally off.
I need to change the code so that when a 'D' is recieved, the globalset is changed to 0. I dont have to write any exit code as that is contained within the original loop itself. I placed the relay control code next to the remoteindicator light, but this isnt working.
I am going to remove the code and develop it seperately incorporating a button press trigger to determine what the problem is! I want the code to say (sudocode)
When-button is pressed, turn relay on ELSE turn relay off. this should produce a good trigger mechanism.
The rest will be completed in the following post.
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