Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Week 25 Log

Week 25 Log
Week beginning 26/03/2012

The proposed system: a paired artefact which conveys the presence of users. Other memories can be conveyed but this will be developed through user testing.

This week involved the exploration of the concept with users and survey research as well as a re-evaluation of the system architecture. It re-addressed the way that the paired architecture would work, and identified the usage of ‘presence’ as a type of memory that could be conveyed. Instead of using contrived memories such as photographs or messages, simply to involve users in a paired interaction could be the way that memories are conveyed.

A survey was created to explore how and why people currently store, share and reflect on physical manifestations of memories. This was conducted because despite people having lots of memories to look back on, from the survey research it seemed that they didn’t really utilise them much. Because they are so safely stored, it can be said they not much attention is drawn to them and they are not valued as much as they could be. The purpose of the proposed paired system is to ‘notice the unnoticed’-by making memories transient it aims to make them more valued. The questions about ‘who are your most treasured memories about’ was important because the proposed system is an intimate one, and it makes sense that the memories being shared are between people who would notice the absence of one-another.

A group brainstorm was created with this thought in mind. It explored the different contexts in which people notice the absence of different people. There are many contexts in which people miss each-other, and a focus group with the prototype next week will not only provide a proof of concept, but also explore the ways in which people imagine this would be useful to each-other. One idea that developed through the group brainstorm was that the artifact could be portable, and be able to ‘move’ between different contexts.

This week has also involved significant work on the final dissertation report which will be continued throughout the rest of the project.

Goal for next week: Focus group, Prototype exploration, Context of use

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