1. Make it possible for the receiving user to provide feedback of some kind
The feedback could essentially be a little 'thankyou'. However, i'm not sure what kind of output this should be, or if this is even necessary at all. The user may not even need a 'thankyou'. Perhaps the next step after they receive their message is that they may want to call that person if they have time. Perhaps the bears will be used at a time when the user may not be thinking to make a call, or even want to receive one. It fills a space where all the user needs to say it 'im thinking about you'. It is then upto the remote user to decide what they want to do with that message, if at all. If there is the option to interact, they may feel obliged to.
There is however, now an answer to a question that comes up: how will the user know that the remote person is there? The bears wont always be on, so the remote user wont be able to transmit its feedback signal when it's off. If the user closes the bears arm, and the green feedback light doesn't blink, they know that the remote user isn't there OR that they turned the bear off. There will be an on/off switch that will be turned on whenever the user is at home.
I have decided not to make it possible for the receiving user to provide feedback at this stage and instead to ask this in the next focus group.
3. Put the voice clip & MP3 clip into one track: complete.
4. Incorporate the on/off switch. Parts have been reserved at Maplins and will be collected tomorrow for integration.
Note: Should the user be able to check whether the remote bear is on? Should there be a specific button for this? It may feel less like they're 'taking a chance'. I will ask the focus group members about this.
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