Friday, 4 May 2012

Version 4 observation analysis

Version 4 Observational Analysis Findings
DECIDE methodology is used.
D: Goals – Assess manual & Interaction. Suggest improvements
E: Questions - Below
C: Evaluation paradigm – Observation & Interview
I: Practical issues – Data Collection & Analysis
D: Ethical Issues - Anonymity
E: Evaluation & Analysis – Quantitative & Description
User screening: Age, technological understanding, if they relate to the concept and haven’t used the system before. Online screening will be conducted before invitation. Would be useful if the two users know each other as a better simulation of the real system in place.
1.       Explain Concept: ’This system allows you to record an audio clip i.e. a favourite song in the Tiger, give it to a friend or family member who lives away from you, and then trigger it to play remotely. You can record a song, a story, a joke or absolutely anything. It lets you say  ‘I miss you’ or ‘I’m thinking about you’ in a new way. You close the Monkeys arms in a ‘hugging’ motion which triggers the system in the Tiger to start playing. The beauty of the system is that you don’t have to ‘say’ anything else or make up an excuse to contact them. It is quick and easy to use and is a new way of connecting with a person. It is meant for use in the home between friends, partners or even parents with children going away from home.‘
2.       Explain evaluation: You will be given the manual and asked to see if you can execute the device based on this. It is a test of the manuals effectiveness, not of your skills. If you are unsuccessful it means that the manual is ineffective. You will then be interviewed and findings will be recorded in note form.
a.       Note: this takes pressure off the user and lets them know that if they fail it is the systems fault, not theirs.
DECIDE framework
D-Goals; Assess the manual and understanding of interaction. Suggest improvements.
E-Questions; below
C-Evaluation paradigm; observation & interview (brief)
I- Practical issues; data collection
D-Ethical issues; anonymity
E-Evaluate & Analyse – Qualitative & Descriptive

Controls: the setting will be in the home. The users will be asked to sit on separate sofas with a chair in-between them to simulate separation.
Users: Found a couple in the correct age group
1.       Did you understand the manual? Do you understand how the system works?
Both users understood the manual.
2.       Please use the system.
Both users executed the system correctly, although had to re-read the on/off switch control protocol in the Tiger to ensure it was done correctly. This is a challenge to the learnability, but the user said out loud ‘BLACK WHITE… WHITE BLACK’ and this helped them remember it. I asked the Tiger user to reuse the system at the end of the session and they repeated this phrase and executed it correctly. The Monkey was much simpler to use than the Tiger for this reason. They both said that it would be much easier to use it there was only one switch. This could have been done by using a 4 terminal switch which turned them both on and off at once.
3.       Do you like the interaction of the ‘hug’ and the design of the bear?
Tiger owner: Yes, it’s like sending them a hug. I think it’s more realistic than pushing a button on a screen and you feel more involved.
Monkey: I like the way that a song is played. It’s different to getting a text with the same sentiments, and the song that is played would remind me of all the good times I had with him. If I just got a test I’d be like ‘awww’, and move on, but this makes me really think about our history together and takes me back to good times I had with him.  
Tiger: I really like the idea. I could put her favourite song on it and she’d hear it. There’s no other way to send audio like that with her getting it AT THE TIME I’m thinking out her. The only other alternative is to phone and play a song through it which is quite low quality and I’d feel a bit silly, or request it on the radio but I’d have no idea if she was listening or when it would be played!
4.       What do you think could be improved?
Tiger: I think it would be good if you didn’t have to turn the system on in such a specific way as it made me feel a little stressed.
Monkey: The fancy switching system luckily doesn’t affect me so I could quickly turn my monkey on and play it without those restrictions. I think it was important not to have these restrictions. It if was there  it would put me off as it would ruin the moment.
Tiger: It does put me off a little, but I guess I’m just waiting for receive a message and there’s less urgency to it.
5.       Would you have preferred a 2 way system where you could send audio back?
Tiger: Hmm, no I wouldn’t want to send one back straight away but I’d like to be able to send him a song at another point without having to buy another set.
6.       Do you have any further comments?
Tiger: Would it be possible to get different designs or the design the other way round? I prefer the monkey.

Thanks for participating
Findings: Users would prefer a two way system and the two switch system was a challenge to learnability. However it doesn’t ruin the immediacy of the interaction with the monkey as it is only involved with the Tiger. A 4 terminal switch could not be found so isn’t implemented. All users would like to customise the soft toys to suit them and this would definitely be possible.

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