Week beginning 20/02/2012
This week involved mainly conceptual and contextual development. There was exploration of research and development techniques utilised within design and their potential applications within the project.
Scenarios and relationships were developed as per the guidance from the last tutorial, and following the most recent one these were developed into cartoon as a type of ‘design fiction’. ‘Design fiction’ was researched. The ‘counter-factual’ and ‘fictionalising’ technique’s mentioned by Matt Webb and will be incorporated into the project. Matt Ward’s drawing evolution techniques could be useful, and a new modelling technique idea sparked from this research will be tested on users as an alternative to drawing.
Conceptually, the importance of interaction being a memorable experience as much as the memories that are shared themselves was stressed. The project does fill in a space that doesn’t exist, but within a world that is arguably becoming more ‘social’, it does have a place. As people are separated by distance, new ways to connect in particular to friends and loved ones are emerging. This could be one of them.
The ‘conversation’ expressed by this concept can be one-to-one or many-to-many, but at any one point in time only two people may communicate directly. Memories can be created by interacting with the device as an experience in its own right. Also completed this week was research into the ways in which sound could be incorporated into the project.
Further work for next week: Wish lists, adverts and bringing the concept to more users. Mock up prototype.
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