Friday, 3 February 2012

Wireless Connections vs. Cabled Connections

Further reading of 'Building Wireless Sensor Networks' has lead to some implementation decision making.

xBee wireless modules have a range of upto 1 mile, and the concept needs to be scalable. Wifi is an option using ConnectPort gateways, but they are very expensive and less stable than wired connections. Ethernet is likely going to be the best and most stable option. Early prototyping will probably be done using one arduino device, possibly extending later on to two arduino modules connected over the internet via ethernet. One will act as the web server, and the other the web client.

Two way connectivity  is possible using two ethernet connected arduinos, but only one can act as the communication initiator. It is possible to run an entire system from one arduino board, but over long distances the internet is the most widespread. effective and inexpensive gateway that could be used. The system will probably have to be run without a computer: installing a computer into the finished system is inappropriate, expensive and would take up too much space.

To start prototyping and experimenting, i will need to purchase an ethernet shield for testing, and eventually possibly another arduino uno and shield. This is a good option: as it incoporates an SD card slot that could allow the transmission of media and files. This is the documentation for it:

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